Monday, June 1, 2009


So, after posting my last here, about feeling like I am under pressure and not really enjoying the process anymore.
You know, that one.

I now feel a bit better about things. And I had some really nice chats/emails/messages from people who had read it and support my "I'm doing my own thing" mini fit.

Which is awesome.

And since having the Weird Weekend, in which I felt like I was accosted on all sides about Registering (I wasn't ACTUALLY accosted. It just felt like a synchronized "oh my god you haven't registered yet, are you trying to make this hard on everyone, what are you DOING" brigade) Really it was just a handful of people giving me shocked face and me over reacting. As I do sometimes.

Ahem, anyway.

So I have just now set us up online with a registry service through The Bay (and apparently just the one downtown. I thought it would work at all of The Bays, but no. That is not the case. Sorry our of towners)

There is nothing IN the registery as of yet, Geoff and I still need to actually go down there and look at stuff.

But it's a STEP.

So now if you want to get us something (and we're not asking by the way, we are more than happy to just hang out with everyone sans drama (this is a big one for me. I want NO DRAMA all day. I have heard some scary stories about the drama at weddings and I want NONE OF IT. So if you feel inclined to bring us some drama as a gift? Take it back and replace it with NO DRAMA.
I might actually be hiring someone to send people home if I feel like it's turning into an episode of 90210.)
No joke.
But if you really want to get us something, we will try to get some items on the registery this weekend.



  1. you want money! best wedding gift EVER! ;)

  2. Thanks Mom! I'll remember you said that.

  3. Mom? No, that was me silly, yer buddy! YARRRR!

  4. HA!! That is HILARIOUS! Sorry Girl!

    I am still laughing!
