Saturday, August 8, 2009

Halibut a la Jamie Oliver

So last night for the first time in my life (that I can remember, apparently when I was a small child I enjoyed fish sticks. ugh!) I ate and enjoyed a fish meal.

That's right, I said it.

I ate fish. And liked it.

It was sort of like this recipe from Jamie at Home (which is AMAZING by the way, go out and get it right now)

This cook book is so awesome. EVERYTHING that we have tried from it has been delicious.
Seriously delicious.

And last night's meal also allowed me to use the heart shaped Le Crueset roaster we got for the wedding.
This guy.

Anyway, it was basically White Fish roasted with bacon (god yes!) leeks and asparagus.

And. This. Is. The. Thing.

I will eat it again.

I am reformed.

random randomness (Who called the Hot Cops?)

It doesn't help that we get mustaches involved.
(and pirates?)

Sunny days+these girls= Jump Competition.

Sandra won the first day with "The Flying Star"

(Kathryn stole the title after the wedding with "The Raging Lion"!)

Monday, August 3, 2009

Looking back on the day, it feels like a complete blur. It was so amazing, and so perfect for us, that it's been kind of hard to capture in pictures.
I will try. Really.

And it happened so fast! The day after, we were both up super early (like before 7am) and everything was cleared from the yard by noon. Like it had never happened.

So that now when I look at my hand (and more so when I look at Geoff's) and see the ring I am still sometimes surprised. Like, did that really happen?

We went for plain and simple with our wedding bands.
I had made another band for myself that was really beautiful, but it just wasn't right.
So in the end (two weeks before the wedding) I decided to make another one. The same as Geoff's. Which I am very happy with.