As some of you may already know, this shindig is going to be a potluck.
I've added a list to the side of this blog (just to the RIGHT of the posts) of what people are bringing.
I am hoping that this will give guests a chance to see what others are bringing and think about bringing something else.
A whole table of potato salad doesn't really appeal, you know what I am saying?
Don't get me wrong, potato salad is delicious.
But there is only so much of it you can really eat before the glamour wears off.
Also, I am going to take this opportunity to lay out some allergy ground rules.
This is a big one for us.
There are some other allergies in there, but they can be managed.
So that means that if you want us to be super excited about the food you bring, and want us to scarf it down right then and there, we ask that you watch out for these ingredients...
Those are the big ones.
But we eat meat. And veggies. And fruit.
Well, I'll add the disclaimer that I am actually allergic to some veggies (tomatoes, potatoes, eggplant, peppers, cauliflower, corn) BUT I will also say that I can manage mine easily by avoiding these things before the wedding so that I can have contraband if you want to bring something that has salsa in it for example.
I will do this for you.
And Gluten Free cooking is actually really easy.
I literally just substitute regular flour for a gluten free blend and it works out JUST FINE.
Bette Hagman's is the best so far for a straight switch...
3/4 cup garfava flour
1/3 cup sorgum flour
1 cup tapioca starch
1 cup corn starch (I can have this, just can't have the kernel anymore!)
mix this all together in a bowl and substitute 1:1 for regular all purpose flour.
If you are making a cake or breads you'll want to add 1 tsp xantham gum to the mix to add some elasticity, but pancakes or crepes don't need it.
It just turns them into a gloppy, non cooking mess.
Trust me.
All of the ingredients you need for this flour are available easily in most healthfood stores. LifeStyles Market actually have a pretty big selection of ready to go GF foods. As well as Planet Organic.
Remember too that we are used to bringing our own food to parties, so don't stress it.
I will be making ALL SORTS of dishes that we can both eat without worrying about it, so if you really need to bring your great grandma's famous oat covered wheat balls, totally feel free!
We can handle it.
I only post about it here because I think that it would be nice if on our wedding day we can eat all of the food that is available to us without worrying about it.
That seems fair right?